CGL - Cadent Gas Limited
CGL stands for Cadent Gas Limited
Here you will find, what does CGL stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cadent Gas Limited? Cadent Gas Limited can be abbreviated as CGL What does CGL stand for? CGL stands for Cadent Gas Limited. What does Cadent Gas Limited mean?The utilities business firm is located in Coventry, Coventry, United Kingdom.
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Alternative definitions of CGL
- Classical Greek And Latin
- Categorial Grammar Logic
- Chronic Granulocytic Leukaemia
- Code Generation Language
- Error log (CodeGuard)
- Cromwell Group Ltd
- Cala Group Limited
View 182 other definitions of CGL on the main acronym page
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- CSU Coppin State University
- CRD Charles River Development
- CUSD Chico Unified School District
- CWS City of Winston-Salem
- CGI Celadon Group Inc.
- CR City of Regina
- CWK City of Wichita Kansas
- CRSD Council Rock School District
- CPC Colonial Pipeline Company
- CPS Calgary Police Service
- CAMCHS Charleston Area Medical Center Health System
- CIL Cummins India Ltd
- CHC Cygnet Health Care
- CWI College of Western Idaho
- CCM County College of Morris